Types of Acupuncture


Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese style acupuncture uses points based on expected effects to a particular problem area or symptom. It utilizes the concept of needling locally, distally, and remotely to address a problem, while balancing the related internal organs and meridians. Chinese needle technique often involves...
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Medical Acupuncture

Medical Acupuncture, a western scientific approach, integrate concepts from traditional and modern forms of acupuncture with allopathic medicine. Medical acupuncture is a modern adaptation of the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture.
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Low level laser therapy

Low level laser therapy is useful adjunct for the treatment of acute and chronic pain , soft tissue injuries, sporting injuries , damage to tendons and ligaments
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Intramuscular Stimulation

IMS is an effective treatment for chronic pain of neuropathic origin. This technique uses needles similar to the needles used in acupuncture to find and diagnose muscle shortening in deep muscles. This technique has very few side-effects.
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